Celebrate Second Advent Sunday with Isaiah 40
This Sunday is the second advent lights two of the four outer candles. Its focus is on love and reading in Isaiah 40, which prophesied the preaching of John the Baptist, who would come to "prepare...
What Do We Get From 1 Nephi 21-22?
Today I visited my favorite bookstore to get a few more books about Isaiah. Travis Patten, the owner of Pioneer Book had several recommendations, though the one he favored was The Vision of All: Twenty-five Lecture on...
This Advent Season Consider Isaiah’s Words
Advent Season was a new experience for me as a young Mormon missionary in Germany, but I immediately fell in love with the idea of spending four Sundays preparing for the holiday. Advent heralds a...
Isaiah and Handel’s Messiah
With the onset of Advent, Christmas traditions abound, but for me, the consummate event is a Messiah Sing-in with its famed “Hallelujah” chorus. Because Handel's Messiah and Isaiah are close companions, on this first day of Advent your...
First Nephi 20 and Isaiah 48—The Furnace of Affliction
Chapter Summary
John Bytheway offers this chapter overview: “Members of the house of Israel talk about God but don't rely on Him. The Lord has shown, and will show, the house of Israel many things...
Hitting the Wall in First Nephi 20
Years ago I loved running long distances most days of the week, but the marathon always seemed too much to take on. Finally, I tried one, but had an awful experience 20 miles into...
Four Guides to the Book of Mormon Isaiah Chapters
In a recent post, I explained how in the past I have outlined, compared and contrasted translations, looked up footnotes, read commentaries and yet, I still feel like I don't quite grasp Isaiah. So...
Isaiah Chapter 1
Jesus said, “Great are the words of Isaiah
“For surely he spake as touching all things concerning my people which are of the house of Israel” (3 Nephi 23:1–2).
To introduce these great words of Isaiah, let's...
Time to Change My Old Approach to Isaiah
This month I started a new job. I will still be blogging for the Boy Scouts, but I also get to help with the YSA Social Media Mission and Search Isaiah. It always good...
Where I Started
When I first got serious about Isaiah, in the 1990's, I found it interesting that Nephi, the Savior chose 433 verses from Isaiah to include in the book of Mormon. In all, twenty-one...