Church leaders offer insights on 2 Nephi 6-10


 Kaitlyn Bancroft for the Church News, 18 Feb 2024 offered readers snippets from LDS Church Leaders that touched on this week’s “Come, Follow Me” study materials covering 2 Nephi 6-10. This includes Jacob’s teachings from Isaiah to the Nephites and his commentary on those subjects.

This is a great resource for studying 2 Nephi 6-10 in the context of “Come, Follow Me.” However, it’s quite lengthy, so here we offer a more concise summary of key takeaways from Church leaders’ quotes:

2 Nephi 6

Faith and Trust: Elder Ellis encourages trusting God even in challenges. Elder Goaslind highlights love as evidence of conversion and our responsibility to share the gospel.

— Elder Stanley G. Ellis, October 2017 general conference, “Do We Trust Him? Hard Is Good

— Elder Jack H. Goaslind, Jr., October 1983 general conference, “Our Responsibility to Take the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth

2 Nephi 8

Overcoming Conflict: Elder Oaks reminds us of God’s plan amidst conflict. Sister Dew encourages standing tall and unwavering. Elder Maxwell finds hope and determination despite challenges.

Then-Elder Dallin H. Oaks, October 2017 general conference, “The Plan and the Proclamation

— Sister Sheri L. Dew, then the second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, October 2000 general conference, “Stand Tall and Stand Together

Jacob Uses Isaiah to teach of Christ
Jacob Teaches of the Saviour’s Resurrection

2 Nephi 9

Atonement and Scripture: Elder Christofferson explains the Atonement’s power to redeem and heal. Elder Pieper clarifies the sacred versus secular. Elder Callister emphasizes the Book of Mormon’s confirming role.

— Elder D. Todd Christofferson, April 2013 general conference, “Redemption

— Elder Paul B. Pieper, April 2012 general conference, “To Hold Sacred

— Elder Tad R. Callister, October 2011 general conference, “The Book of Mormon — a Book from God

Finding Comfort and Strength: Elder De Hoyos offers comfort through Jacob’s words, reminding us to come to the Lord. Elder Malm encourages wise choices and using our time wisely.

— Elder Benjamín De Hoyos, April 2011 general conference, “Called to Be Saints

— Elder Per G. Malm, October 2010 general conference, “Rest unto Your Souls

Overcoming Sin and Finding Freedom: Elder Hales encourages turning to God for fulfillment. Elder Bowen highlights the infinite reach of the Atonement.

Nephi 10

Reconciliation and Neutrality: Elder Viñas encourages reconciling with God’s will. Elder Maxwell stresses the importance of Jesus as the Son of God, not just a moralist. Elder McConkie warns against neutrality concerning the gospel. Elder Mutombo promises freedom through the Savior’s light.

— Elder Thierry K. MutomboApril 2021 general conference, “Ye Shall Be Free

— Elder Francisco J. Viñas, October 2015 general conference, “The Pleasing Word of God

— Elder Bruce R. McConkie, October 1984 general conference, “The Caravan Moves On

Hope and Free Agency: Elder Hanks offers hope for those struggling with sin. Bishop Brown reminds us of our free agency to choose the right path.

— Elder Marion D. Hanks, April 1973 general conference, “What Manner of Men? ‘As I Am’

— Bishop Victor L. Brown, April 1971 general conference, “The Meaning of Morality

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