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Pop Isaiah

They call me Pop, Pop Isaiah actually. I write this highly opinionated column on all things Isaiah. I used to be a scholar, researcher, and a bit of a writer. I say used to be because I don't have time and patience for that anymore, and I don't get paid enough. So look up your own damn footnotes. I'm also retired, which is the ultimate form of tenure. I admit I am LDS... mostly. I sit in the back of what used to be the High Priests group and try to keep my mouth shut, but it still gets me in trouble a lot, and they don't ask me to teach much anymore. Why? I don't have patience with a gospel for dummies, which is what we tend to water it down to. Still, I know it's true, get's truer every day in fact. So cut me some slack, and I'll do the same. I spent a lot of my formative time on the east coast in my liberal years, but I'm a bit of a political hybrid now. I don't claim either the right or the left, don't see much use. I'm a self-proclaimed millennial revolutionary. I'm tired of wading through this political correctness charade, so I choose not to. I figure if Clayton Christensen calls it a doctrine of Satan, that's good enough for me. This is my perfect job, so please don't screw it up. My boss has already had a few requests to fire me and I'm just getting started. If you notice fulfillment of prophecies related to Isaiah, the latest scuttlebutt, spelling problems, breaking news I don't know about, or some really stupid arguments I make, I invite you to send them to me privately at PopIsaiah@aol.com. My boss is pretty adamant about me staying civil, so please do the same. And sorry, sometimes you can't fix stupid! I may be a little slow responding, but I'll get back to you eventually. If you send me some really great content privately I'll probably post it, but I won't use your name unless you want me to. I’m warning you up front, I tend to stoke the fire, it keeps me warm. – Pop