Delving Deeper: Isaiah’s Influence in the Doctrine and Covenants
Isaiah's profound influence is evident throughout the Doctrine and Covenants. One study reveals frequent use of Isaiah's language, particularly regarding future events like the gathering of Israel and the Second Coming. This highlights the deep connection between these prophetic voices and their significance for Latter-day Saints.
Isaiah in Second Nephi 7-8
Jacob quotes Isaiah and his teachings first to the Nephites, as warnings and prophecies for them specifically, then to the Jews generally, and then to all the house of Israel.
Hope Amidst Tribulation (2 Nephi 6)
Jacob, inspired by Isaiah, offers hope amidst despair. Scattered people will be reunited, even powerful figures will submit to God. He reveals the coming Messiah, offering salvation to believers. Rejection leads to trials, but redemption remains possible. Gentiles seeking repentance find forgiveness, while those opposing God face judgment. Finally, Jacob reminds us of the Messiah's return, bringing salvation to believers. This message of hope transcends time, reminding us that God's promises endure.
Why Did Nephi Include Isaiah’s Words in His Writting?
Nephi's inclusion of Isaiah's chapters reveals his deep conviction that these words were relevant and valuable for his own time and people. He saw in them a confirmation of his own call, a reinforcement of his teachings, and a source of hope and strength for his posterity and coming generations.
Isaiah 13-14; 24-30; 35—”Come, Follow Me” With Search Isaiah
This companion to your study of "Come, Follow Me" in the Book of Isaiah, includes curated posts from our archive regarding the fall of Babylon (or the world), the Apocalypse of Isaiah, how the Book of Mormon will become a "Voice from the Dust" and another Witness of Christ, and how after the burning at the Second Coming Earth will be returned to its paradisiacal state.
Ann Madsen Shares Insights Into Understanding Isaiah (Part 1) Discover with Darryl
Darryl: Hi, I'm Darryl Alder with Today we have a scholar with us, Ann Madsen. We're going to talk about a couple of different things about the book of Isaiah. Ann,...
Isaiah 54 and 3 Nephi 22
This chapter shows the Lord’s promise and devotion to Zion in the last days. As such, it is a natural continuation of the prophetic, covenantal promises Christ was giving the Nephites, promises that would...
Isaiah 52 and 3 Nephi 20
Isaiah 52 applies to the last days; a time when the people of Zion and Jerusalem will be restored to power, particularly priesthood power, and will be free from oppression. Christ will establish a...
For Holy Week Isaiah Reveals Ways to Remember Christ Mosiah 14 and Isaiah 53
Click here to read the Isaiah Chapters in the Book of Mormon
Today, Palm Sunday, was the perfect time for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to give the ‘Hosanna Shout.’...
Isaiah in 2 Nephi 27
SearchIsaiah Posts to Help With Your Come, Follow Me Study in the Book of Mormon
Week of StudyBook of MormonCome, Follow Me Lesson ManualsStudy Aids for...