Isaiah Chapter 8 / 2 Nephi 18
Much like the previous chapter, in Isaiah 8, the prophet continues to admonish the Judah to put their faith in God and not to trust alliances with other nations. The section starts with instructions for...
Isaiah 10 (2 Nephi 20) — Isaiah Calls the Nation Out for Neglecting the...
Being the prophet of social justice himself, in Isaiah 10 the prophet calls out wicked leaders and the rich who neglect the poor and needy among them. During his lifetime, Isaiah watched as both...
2 Nephi 7 / Isaiah 50—the Third Servant Song A Companion to Your "Come,...
Like his older brother Nephi, Jacob seems to love Isaiah and beginning in 2 Nephi 7, Jacob reads Isaiah 50 to testify of Jesus Christ and to shed his thoughts on what Nephi had shared...
2 Nephi 8 / Isaiah 51-52:2 Awake, and Remember All the Things the Lord...
Chapter Summary
John Bytheway offers this chapter overview: "Messiah shall be a light to the Gentiles and shall free the prisoners—Israel shall be gathered with power in the last days—Kings shall be their nursing fathers—look...
What Did Jacob Think Of Isaiah?
After studying the two chapters of Isaiah in 1 Nephi 20 and 21, it is time to move on to 2 Nephi and it doesn't take long to get back into Isaiah. Only this time its Nephi's...
For Holy Week Isaiah Reveals Ways to Remember Christ Mosiah 14 and Isaiah 53
Click here to read the Isaiah Chapters in the Book of Mormon
Today, Palm Sunday, was the perfect time for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to give the ‘Hosanna Shout.’...
Isaiah 29 (2 Nephi 25, 26, 27) a Marvelous Work and a Wonder
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A people (the Nephites) will speak as a voice from the dust—Darkness and apostasy will cover the earth in the last days—, A restoration of the gospel...
Isaiah 11 / 2 Nephi 21—An Ensign to the Nations
"Much of what occurred in Isaiah’s time occurs in our own. We also live in a wicked time, and the Lord has promised the wicked will experience the consequences of their actions—just as in...
Isaiah Chapter 12 (2 Nephi 22)
Isaiah 12 is a straightforward psalm, a song of praise and gratitude. It speaks of the Millennium when all people with sing this psalm "of thanksgiving, praising the Lord whose anger is turned away...
2 Nephi 23 / Isaiah 13
In Isaiah chapter 13, the Lord calls members of His Church to prepare as a righteous army to do battle with Babylon, which is the evil of the world today. The events foretold in this...