Shon Hopkin discusses the top 5 questions students ask about the Book of Isaiah

Shon Hopkin – Top 5 Questions About Isaiah

Ken Krogue:  List just the top five questions that you could ask in class? What do they ask you? Shon Hopkin: So, they always...they want...
David Ridges Give Insight Into Looking to Understand Isaiah

Looking to Understand Isaiah? Start Here:

David Ridges, LDS scholar, and longtime Seminary and Institute teacher suggests three things to get into the Book of Isaiah. These include: Go to...
Search Isaiah - Ann Madsen - Relatable Passages and Metaphors

Ann Madsen – Relatable Passages and Metaphors

Kelsey Wilding:  So, when you teach students are there like passages, that are 'aha' moments for them? Ann Madsen:  Oh yes. Kelsey Wilding: Do you have...
Isaiah Scholar Shon Hopkin Explains Why Isaiah is so Hard to Understand in the Modern Day

Shon Hopkin – Why is Isaiah Hard to Understand?

 Ken Krogue:  Let's talk about...again, one of the things I background is social and digital media, and I want to make Isaiah cool. Shon...
Isaiah Scholar Shon Hopkin Explains why Isaiah is Important

Shon Hopkin – Why Isaiah?

Ken Krogue:  Why in the world did you choose to get involved with Isaiah, and maybe some of your... I mean, why is this...
His Hand Stretched Out, We Still Get it Wrong

How Most Christians Got “His Hand Stretched Out Still” All Wrong

This phrase: "His hand stretched out still", is a Jewish idiom, that appears in Isaiah 9 three times and again with variations in 2 Nephi 15:25; 19:12, 17,...
Search Isaiah - Ann Madsen - Why the Writings of Isaiah are Difficult to Understand

Ann Madsen – Why the Writings of Isaiah are Difficult to Understand

Kelsey Wilding:  Why is Isaiah written in poetic form? Ann Madsen:  Because all revelation in the Old Testament is written in poetic form. Kelsey Wilding: Really? Ann...
Easy Pressure Cooker Isaiah Stew Recipe

Easy Instapot Isaiah Stew Recipe

Have you ever wondered what foods were popular in ancient Israel? We know that in Ancient Mesopotamia and in pre-Biblical times onions, celery and...
Isaiah Made Easier Presented by David Ridges in Podcast 6

David Ridges – Discusses “Isaiah Made Easier”

Kelsey Wilding:  So, this is your first book, Isaiah Made Easier. David Ridges:  Yes, that's right. Kelsey Wilding: Why did you write this? David Ridges: I did...
Isaiah and the Messiah: Isaiah’s Prophecies Concerning Christ being taught by Terry Ball at BYU education weekvideo

Isaiah and the Messiah: Isaiah’s Prophecies Concerning Christ

During the 2010 BYU Campus Education Week, Terry B. Ball shared his thoughts on Isaiah as a Messianic prophet. As he opened his remarks, by quoting...