Isaiah in the Book of Mormon

Calendar for "Come, Follow Me" 2020 that Include Chapters from Isaiah


Chapters of Isaiah Quoted in the Book of Mormon

As we start our study of the Book of Mormon this year in Come, Follow Me we will soon be faced with those pesky Isaiah chapters. However, we have worked the last two years to help readers better understand those chapters and hope you will find our posts helpful as you uncover what Isaiah intended us to know.

Calendar of Study for 2020 that Include Chapters from Isaiah

WeekScripture StudyIsaiah Chapters
January 27–February 21 Nephi 16–221 Ne 20, 21
February 10-16 2 Nephi 6–102 Ne  7, 8
February 17–232 Nephi 11–252 Ne 1213, 14, 15,16, 17,
18, 19, 20. 21, 22, 23, 24
February 24–March 1 2 Nephi 26–302 Ne 27
May 4–10Mosiah 11–17Mosiah 14
October 12–183 Nephi 20–263 Nephi  20,  22

Table of Isaiah Chapters in The Book of Mormon

1 Nephi2021      
2 Nephi 7 8 12 131415 16 17
 18192021222324 27
Mosiah 14       
3 Nephi 20 22      

Other Isaiah passages quoted in the Book of Mormon

Interestingly, there are many other places in the Book of Mormon that Isaiah is quoted. Clearly the Brass Plates of Laban afforded them access to that prophet’s works and was part of their scriptural understanding, perhaps even part of their day-to-day conversations.

1 Nephi 22:15–17
2 Ne 6:6–7

2 Ne 6:16-18
2 Ne 8:24-25
2 Ne 9:50-51
2 Ne 30:9
2 Ne 30:11-15
Mosiah 12:21-24
Mosiah 15:29-31
3 Ne 16:18-20
(does not exist in the King James Version)
Isa 49:23
Isa 49:24-26
Isa 52:1-2
Isa 55:1-2
Isa 11:4
Isa 11:5-9
Isa 52:7-10
Isa 52:8-10
Isa 52:8-10

Chapter Links to the Book of Isaiah Reviewed by the SearchIsaiah Team


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