President Nelson’s 5 Ways to Change You and the World


On June 3 2018, President Nelson addressed us in the worldwide youth devotional–he referenced the gathering of Israel, spoken of in Isaiah 18, and stated that

“There is nothing of greater consequence. Absolutely nothing,” he said. “This gathering should mean everything to you. This is the mission for which you were sent to earth.” 

5 Ways to Change You and the World

Read more about the significance of the gathering of Israel and our role as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints HERE

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  1. Corey B Strange

    Thank you, Jacob.
    The infographic is a helpful distillation if the information.
    Printing it to see it every day.
    Keep up the great work.

    • Thank you Corey!
      I’ll do my best! Have you been able to get going on any of the challenges yet?

      • Corey B Strange

        I did the basic survey. Is there more?

        • Not yet! But stay tuned for more that will give you a grade on how you’re doing studying Isaiah!

  2. Check out DAVID LEFEVRE (annual education week speaker) if you want to learn more in depth about Isaiah!

    • Thank you Suzi! Do you think he would be interested in participating in our SearchIsaiah project? Are you in contact with him?

  3. I love President Nelson’s invitation to keep on the covenant path! I know that covenants are a key part of what Isaiah taught. All prophets since the beginning of time have known the importance of covenants made with our Heavenly Father

    • Thanks Zach, I agree – covenants are crucial. What do you do to make sure you are upholding the covenants you have already made with Heavenly Father?


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