Ann Madsen – Favorite Passages From The Book of Isaiah

Search Isaiah - Ann Madsen - Favorite Passages From The Book of Isaiah

Kelsey Wilding:  Do you have a favorite chapter of Isaiah?

Ann Madsen: Depending on the day. I have parts of Isaiah that I truly…there are gems in Isaiah that people don’t hear because they don’t read the whole thing. They read chapter 6, the call of Isaiah, and it has a lot to teach you, but there’s a verse that says, ‘before they call, I will answer, while they are yet speaking, I will hear.’

Have you ever had that experience that you’ve had something come to you and you’ve said, if I’d known enough I would have prayed for this, but I didn’t know enough, but here it is, and I did need it, but I didn’t know I needed it. Have you ever had that happen?

Kelsey Wilding: Yes.

Ann Madsen:  See, and he’s describing that. He says before they call before they even ask, I will answer, sometimes. And while they are yet speaking, I will hear and that happens to me in my prayers very often. I start saying, I don’t understand this, I don’t know what to do with this, and immediately I get an answer. I’ve heard people say, don’t expect your prayers to be answered right away and I want to say, but sometimes do expect your prayers to be answered right away because they will be. At least that’s the way it’s been in my life.

Another one I truly love is, ‘you will hear a voice behind you saying, this is the way, walk ye in it.’  No, it says you come to a place and you don’t know whether to go to the right or the left, but you will hear a voice behind you say, this is the way, walk ye in it.

It’s like Robert Frosts’ poem, ‘The way not taken’. It’s the Holy Ghost, it’s the way the Holy Ghost prompts you to do or not do something, and Isaiah says it so clearly, ‘you come to a way and you will hear a voice behind you.’

I prayed that in my prayers. I’ve said, Heavenly Father, please help me hear a voice behind me saying, this is the way, show me the right way, guide me through this day.

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Ann N. Madsen, an Isaiah scholar and poet, teaches ancient scripture at Brigham Young University. She received her MA degree from BYU in ancient studies with a minor in Hebrew. At present, she serves on the Sunday School general board of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She and her husband, Truman, have three children and a Navajo foster son, sixteen grandchildren and, at the moment, twenty-five great-grandchildren.


  1. I very much loved the comments of Ann Madsen on prayer and inspiration, and of NOT being alone in this voyage called earthly life. Thanks, Ann.


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