Isaiah in the Book of Mormon

Chapters of Isaiah Quoted in the Book of Mormon As we start our study of the Book of Mormon this year in Come, Follow Me we will soon be...

Finally, it is our turn to be on earth

My daughter-in-law, Terry, told me of a special experience before her youngest child, Grant, was born. It was a spiritual impression that her mother shared, regarding a final interview between her own father, Cecil...

Our Eternal Abode Depends on the Decisions we Make in Mortality

Exegetes have suggested that Shebna was King Hezekiah's majordomo and treasurer (see especially Isaiah 22:15–19, quoted below). Shebna was one of the “bad boys” of the Bible and the Lord set him...

The Apostle Peter Quotes Isaiah How the New Testament Interprets Isaiah

Like Paul, who quoted Isaiah twenty times, Peter uses the ancient prophet as an authority in seven cases.
Young woman studying Scriptures

The positive contributions of interlinear Bibles

As a student of Biblical Hebrew, I have been censured for asking for recommendations on what I call the absurdly literal translations of the Bible, or its twin sister, Biblical Hebrew interlinears....

Isaiah During Advent

Advent, a Christian tradition, prepares worshipers for the Christmas Season

Isaiah Tells the Nativity Story in Matthew and Luke

This month, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will continue to study Jesus's early years in the new Come, Follow Me—for Individuals and Families, New Testament 2019 (pp...

The LORD said unto my Lord Divine power of attorney in Holy Writ

On at least two separate occasions, Christ testifies of His own divinity by quoting Psalms: “The LORD (i.e., Jehovah, יְהוָ֨ה) said unto my Lord (i.e., Christ, the Messiah, לַֽאדֹנִ֗י), Sit thou at...

Isaiah in Paul’s Epistle to the Romans

Paul's use of Isaiah in his epistle to the Romans is striking. He cited from sixteen books from the Old Testament, quoting (or alluding to) sixty-three verses from the Law and the Prophets—nearly a third (19) of these quotes came from the book of Isaiah alone.

Isaiah 29:17—24

This is the fourth and final installment on Isaiah 29, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, comprising of verses 17–24.(Read Part I: Isaiah 29; Part II: Isaiah 29:1-8; and Part III: Isaiah...