Is the Sabbath a Delight?

President Nelson—10 Years, 10 Quotes All From Isaiah

The First Presidency and the Apostles have spoken many times in General Conference. Like other speakers, they often quote from the book of Isaiah. President Russel M Nelson is no stranger to Isaiah. Since becoming a General...
Search Isaiah - The True Fast—Isaiah 58

Fasting—Spiritual Effects of Extended Fasting—Isaiah 58

"Fasting combined with sincere prayer can help you prepare yourself and others to receive God’s blessings."1 In Isaiah 58, the prophet lists at least eight reasons for fasting, some of which include calling on the Lord, "dealing...
Who is Isaiah, why should I care?

Little Known Facts About Isaiah the Prophet

“Isaiah is by every standard the messianic prophet of the Old Testament and as such is the most penetrating prophetic voice in that record.”1—Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Most of the world...
The Writings of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon found on brass plates of Laban

The Writings of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon

To get started with Isaiah first read all 66 chapter headings, no more no less. Note which ones interest you most, but don't give in to reading them until you have read all 66...
Is Stylometry the Ultimate Proof that Joseph Smith Did Not Write the Book of Mormon?video

Is Stylometry the Ultimate Proof that Joseph Smith Did Not Write the Book of...

At a Book of Mormon conference in Provo last Saturday, Matt Roper and Paul Fields set out to do just that. They intrigued the audience with a new study of Book of Mormon authorship using stylometry showing...
Why Mormons get Isaiah 18

Are we among the Swift Messengers of Isaiah 18?

Are we to be counted among the swift messengers of Isaiah 18? President Russell M. Nelson has invited the youth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be one of the swift...

A Nail in a Sure Place

We will here briefly look at three verses from Isaiah 22. Isaiah 22:23. “And I will fasten him a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for...

The Trump Prophecy and Cyrus

What started during his run for President, is back in the news with the release of a new film The Trump Prophecy. The movie claims that Trump is the King Cyrus of our times. This first...
The Top 20 Books On Isaiah - Isaiah Labs on for July 2018

Top 20 Books on Isaiah: LDS Authors-Paperback

The team at Isaiah Labs recently introduce our latest research project, Top 15 Books on Isaiah on Kindle. Now we introduce the Top 20 Books on Isaiah in Paperback (or Hardback, do people still...