Search Isaiah - Ann Madsen - Why the Writings of Isaiah are Difficult to Understand

Ann Madsen – Why the Writings of Isaiah are Difficult to Understand

Kelsey Wilding:  Why is Isaiah written in poetic form? Ann Madsen:  Because all revelation in the Old Testament is written in poetic form. Kelsey Wilding: Really? Ann Madsen: Almost all of it yeah. Jeremiah, all of it. Kelsey...
Search Isaiah - Ann Madsen - Relatable Passages and Metaphors

Ann Madsen – Relatable Passages and Metaphors

Kelsey Wilding:  So, when you teach students are there like passages, that are 'aha' moments for them? Ann Madsen:  Oh yes. Kelsey Wilding: Do you have one that really hits hard? Ann Madsen: Well, it's different for...
Search Isaiah - Ann Madsen - Metaphors vs. Idioms in the Book of Isaiah

Ann Madsen – Metaphors vs. Idioms in the Book of Isaiah

Kelsey Wilding:  What's the difference between idioms and metaphors? Ann Madsen:  A metaphor is something that stands for something else, that it...I explained it in one of the first lectures in class that you say,...
Search Isaiah - Ann Madsen - Favorite Passages From The Book of Isaiah

Ann Madsen – Favorite Passages From The Book of Isaiah

Kelsey Wilding:  Do you have a favorite chapter of Isaiah? Ann Madsen: Depending on the day. I have parts of Isaiah that I truly...there are gems in Isaiah that people don't hear because they don't...
Search Isaiah - Ann Madsen - Students Become Teachers As They Study Isaiah

Ann Madsen – How Students Become Teachers as They Study The Book of Isaiah

Kelsey Wilding:  Have any of your students continued on the study of Isaiah after your class? Ann Madsen:  Oh, yes, almost all of them. Kelsey Wilding: Really? Ann Madsen: I see them on campus or I see...
Search Isaiah - Ann Madsen - Isaiah Scholarship

Ann Madsen – Isaiah Scholarship

Kelsey Wilding:  When you started studying or wanting to learn more, did you have any scholars that you went to, or was it just prayer and reading and studying it that helped the most? Ann...
Search Isaiah - Ann Madsen - Understanding Isaiah with the Help of the Holy Ghost

Ann Madsen – Understanding Isaiah with the Help of the Holy Ghost

Kelsey Wilding:  So, do they truly understand Isaiah, if you don't have the spiritual component of it or is it just... Ann Madsen:  I don't think you can understand scripture, the words of the Lord...
Search Isaiah - Ann Madsen - Insight into Jerusalem

Ann Madsen – Insight into Jerusalem

Kelsey Wilding:  You've been to Jerusalem, right? Ann Madsen: I've lived in Jerusalem for five years. Kelsey Wilding: Five years? Ann Madsen: Yes, I taught there. Kelsey Wilding: Are you serious? Ann Madsen: Yes. Kelsey Wilding: So, you were there...
Search Isaiah - Ann Madsen - Learn the History

Ann Madsen – Learn the History of the Jews

And Madsen explains why we need to know the history of the Jew during Isaiah's life-time to have a context for many of his prophecies. This may be helpful in understanding the words of Isaiah

Robert Kay: A Jewish Latter-day Saint Shares How the Book of Mormon is God's...

Ken: Hi everybody, Ken Krogue here with Robert Kay. I had a chance to see Robert present several different times and I was absolutely enthralled. You've got a unique perspective and I'm going to...