Understanding the Book of Isaiah Using the Book of Mormon


Yea, a commandment I give unto you that ye search these things diligently; 

great are the words of Isaiah (3Ne 12:1)

We all know there are Ten Commandments. We can probably list others too, but the one directly from the Savior’s mouth in 3 Nephi 12:1 to search the words of Isaiah diligently, is a tough one for me.

I have been trying to keep it for quite a few years, albeit pretty half-heartedly. About the time word processing became available, the scriptures were put on on CD/DVDs. I worked through the footnotes, maps and stuff in the Bible Dictionary to help understand this puzzling book. Then I got serious about outlining and comparing verses of Isaiah with the Book of Mormon, with conference talks, and had it all spelled out, but only for a couple of dozen chapters.

Still, with all that effort, I felt like I didn’t quite grasp Isaiah yet. Worse, all my work was lost when I changed jobs and got a new laptop computer; somewhere, somehow my backups were gone.

It was a really cool project too. One that I worked on for about 20 years. But the lost work gives me chance to start all over and I this time I can share my discoveries with you in time for our September Sunday School Classes.

Currently, I am searching out the best commentaries on Isaiah, taking an adult Institute class on Isaiah, and I am looking for multiple translations to help me dig deeper into all 66 chapters of this book. This is all coming together in an exciting way for me, but look, I am no master of ancient scripture. I am just interested in keeping this commandment from the Savior and hope you will join me in discovering Isaiah.

Watch our progress at the Discover Isaiah Directory.

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Darryl Alder is a retired professional, with an adopted family of four, and a lovely wife of 40+years. He has blogged for a variety of sites and loves to bake, garden, camp, and study ancient scripture, all of which is reflected in his posts at AbigailsOven.com, EternalCore.org, SearchIsaiah.org and various Scouting blog sites


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