Isaiah 50-57, the Choicest Chapters— “Come, Follow Me” With Search Isaiah


September 26– October 2: “He Hath Borne Our Griefs, and Carried Our Sorrows” Isaiah 53:4

The prophet Isaiah promised a mighty deliverer ( Isaiah 9:3–7) would come. His prophecies would have been especially prized by the Israelites after they had fallen into Babylonian captivity. Theirs was hope for someone who would free them from subjection to their captors and anticipation of a return to Jerusalem. But in his servant songs, Isaiah reveals his most comforting message describing the Savior as He bears our griefs and carries our sorrows, in both the Messiah’s death and atonement.

The “kind of Messiah that Isaiah described in chapters 52–53 [is one who] ‘is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him. … We did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted’ (Isaiah 53:3–4). … To save us from oppression and affliction, God sent One who Himself ‘was oppressed, and … afflicted.’ … He relieves us from our chains of grief and sorrow by bearing them Himself (see Isaiah 53:4–5, 12). … He suffers with us, in an act of ‘everlasting kindness’ that ‘shall not depart from thee’ (Isaiah 54:8, 10).”1

Understanding Isaiah 50–54 with

Listed here are several of our own curated posts from for these chapters in Isaiah:

Isaiah 50— The Third Servant Song

“This chapter speaks of the future as if it had already taken place. A major question here is who has left whom when people apostatize and find themselves far away from God spiritually. Another question that Isaiah asks is, essentially, ‘Why don’t you come unto Christ?’”2

Jesus Christ's scourged back discussed in 2 Nephi 7

2 Nephi 7 / Isaiah 50—the Third Servant Song

Like his older brother Nephi, Jacob seems to love Isaiah, and beginning in 2 Nephi 7, Jacob reads Isaiah 50 to testify of Jesus Christ.

John Bytheway on 2 Nephi 7 and Isaiah 50—Symbols in Isaiah’s Third Servant Song.

Join John Bytheway and Darryl Alder as they discuss John’s presentation of Isaiah 50 from Isaiah for Airheads and explore symbolism and meaning in Isaiah’s Third Servant Song.

Jacob’s Commentary on Isaiah 50–1 (2 Nephi 7–8)

Trying to understand why both Nephi and Jacob used Isaiah so extensively in the small plates, or plates reserved “for the special purpose that there should be an account engraven of the ministry of my people”(1 Ne 9:3), suggests that Isaiah has a special place in their ministry. In fact, Jacob says that he will follow the pattern his brother Nephi has set: “I will read you the words of Isaiah. And they are the words which my brother has desired that I should speak unto you …because ye are of the house of Israel” (2 Nephi 6:4–5).

Isaiah 51

2 Nephi 8 / Isaiah 51-52:2 Awake, and Remember All the Things the Lord Has Done

John Bytheway offers this chapter overview:  “Messiah shall be a light to the Gentiles and shall free the prisoners—Israel shall be gathered with power in the last days—Kings shall be their nursing fathers—look to your origins—you are Abraham’s seed! The Lord will comfort Zion and bring judgment, righteousness, and salvation. Awake, and remember all the things the Lord has done. The redeemed will return to Zion. The cup of God’s wrath will be on Jerusalem, but it will eventually be saved and protected.”3

Connecting Networks: How Isaiah 51 Clarifies My Modern Struggles.

Sarah Holmes is the latest addition to team Search Isaiah. She is from small-town Salmon, Idaho, and joined the team to give millennials a new perspective and use social media to build God’s kingdom.

John Bytheway and Darryl Discover 2 Nephi 8 and Isaiah 51 In the Last…

John Bytheway and Darryl take a closer look at Jacob’s use of Isaiah 51 in 2 Neph 8 when the Lord promises to gather Israel and comfort Zion.

Isaiah 52

Isaiah 52 and 3 Nephi 20

Isaiah 52 and 3 Nephi 20

Isaiah 52 applies to the last days; a time when the people of Zion and Jerusalem will be restored to power, particularly priesthood power,  particularly priesthood power, and will be free from oppression. Christ will establish a personal relationship with His people and send messengers to take the gospel to the world, particularly Jerusalem where the Lord will raise a new servant.

Isaiah 53

 FORBIDDEN chapter: Isaiah 53 | Search Hack 2

Isaiah 53 is a monumental chapter of scripture often called “the forbidden chapter” among Jews. Throughout all of Isaiah the prophet prophesied of many things like destruction, freedom from bondage, and salvation.

Isaiah Reveals Ways to Remember Christ for Easter in Mosiah 14 and Isaiah 53
The study of Isaiah 53 and Mosiah 14 can be a good part of making Jesus Christ your focus during study this week. Especially since the prophet Isaiah describes the future death and atonement of our Savior. (This chapter is also the fourth and final Servant Songs ; see Isaiah 42:1–6, Isaiah 49:1-13 and Isaiah 51:3 commentary5)

The Mysterious Prophecy of Isaiah 53

The,ancient prophet Isaiah predicted a, healer a deliverer for the nations, an unidentified figure called “my servant.” Who was he speaking of? He suffers and dies as a criminal; he suffers and dies as an unwanted one. If you want to choose from and Old Testament any passage that might speak directly to the Jewish heart go to Isaiah 53

“The Forbidden Chapter” in the Hebrew Bible – Isaiah 53

Did you know that Isaiah 53 is a FORBIDDEN CHAPTER in most synagogues? Watch as this powerful prophecy is shared with Israelis on the streets. See how deeply they were moved as they came face to face with their Messiah!

Isaiah 54 and 3 Nephi 22

“In the last days, or the time in which we now live, the Lord will bring many people to Zion. They will be so many that they cannot all fit in one place …she will be established in many stakes… He remembers all his promises to establish Zion in the latter days. The Saints may at times have cause to feel forsaken, but the Lord has not forgotten us, and he will have mercy on us. Even if the mountains were to flee, he would not forget his covenant, and his mercy would continue… He will bring us, individually, to his precious promises, if we are worthy.“6

Other Study Aids

Isaiah 55“Israel was invited to come unto the Lord and live (see Isaiah 55:1–7)… The Lord affirmed that his word would be fulfilled and Israel would one day prosper (Isaiah 55:8–13).“7
Isaiah 56“Israelites and Gentiles alike were promised the opportunity to be gathered as the Lord’s people and receive exaltation (see Isaiah 56:1–8)… Watchmen in Israel were condemned for caring only for themselves (see Isaiah 56:9–12).“8
Isaiah 57“The wicked who followed the abominations of their heathen neighbors were rebuked and their sins were recounted (see Isaiah 57:1–13)… A promise of peace was given to the righteous (see Isaiah 57:1–2, 13–21).“9


1 September 26–October 2. Isaiah 50–57: “He Hath Borne Our Griefs, and Carried Our Sorrows”, Come, Follow Me, Individuals and Families
2 David J. Ridges, The Old Testament Made Easier Part 3, Cedar Fort, Inc., Kindle Edition.
3 John Bytheway, Isaiah For Airheads, Deseret Book Company, Kindle Edition
Victor Ludlow, Isaiah Prophet, Seer and Poet, Deseret Book, p 186.
5 Terry B. Ball, “Isaiah’s ‘Other’ Servant Songs,” in The Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, The 38th Annual BYU Sidney B. Sperry Symposium (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009).
Donald Parry,  Understanding Isaiah, Deseret Book Company. Kindle Edition
7–9  Lesson 43: Isaiah 55–66 – Church of Jesus Christ, Religion 302 student manual, Church of Jesus Christ

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Darryl Alder is a retired professional, with an adopted family of four, and a lovely wife of 40+years. He has blogged for a variety of sites and loves to bake, garden, camp, and study ancient scripture, all of which is reflected in his posts at,, and various Scouting blog sites


  1. This week on a LONG walk I listened to these chapters without interruption. As I did, I recalled Don Parry’s observation that the Dead Sea Scrolls he examined we not divided up at all like the chapters in the King James version. He suggested to me that I try continuous reading as if there were no chapters, and surprisingly enough this whole section become one beautiful message. It was a real witness of Christ for me this week!


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