Trump’s Announcement Tops the Five Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled in 2017

US President Donald Trump prays at the Westren Wall, Judaism's holiest prayer site in the Old City of Jerusalem on May 22, 2017, President Trump arrived to Israel to a two day visit, as part of his first trip abroad since being elected.Photo by Mendy Hechtman/FLASH90

Today Eliana Rudee posted this on Breaking Israel News:

“The year 2017 was packed with what many describe as ‘remarkable’ or ‘unprecedented’ events. Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration and his latest announcement that he sees Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the Jewish people are considered by believers to be prophetic signs that the world is coming ever closer to the Messianic era.”

Breaking Israel News looked back at 2017 listing five Biblical prophecies they saw fulfilled during the year. Two of these prophecies come from the book of Isaiah. One of these The  was related to the solar eclipse, signifying “storms and trouble for the ‘King of  the East.'” 

This composite image of eleven pictures shows the progression of a total solar eclipse at Madras High School in Madras, Oregon on Monday, August 21, 2017. A total solar eclipse swept across a narrow portion of the contiguous United States from Lincoln Beach, Oregon to Charleston, South Carolina. A partial solar eclipse was visible across the entire North American continent along with parts of South America, Africa, and Europe. Photo Credit: (NASA/Aubrey Gemignani)

Isaiah 53:12 For ye shall go out with ajoy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the btrees of the field shall clap their hands.

 Rudee explained that the “August’s solar eclipse came precisely at the beginning of the Hebrew month of Elul. Rabbi Yosef Berger, the rabbi of King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion, connected this to a prophecy written in a century-old mystic text of an eclipse occurring precisely at this time that will be followed by storms and trouble for the King of the East, who the rabbi identified as North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un.”

Isaiah 45:1 Thus saith the Lord to his aanointed, to bCyrus, whose right hand I have cholden, to dsubdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the etwo leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut;

Another prophecy centered on Trump’s visit to the Western Wall According to Breaking Israel News,The world went into a turmoil when US President Donald Trump became the first sitting American president to visit the Kotel (Western Wall), raising the hopes of the Jewish people that a Second Temple reenactment may yet be seen in this generation. President Trump’s unwavering support for Jewish national aspirations linked him to Persian King Cyrus, whose connection to the Messiah is found in the Book of Isaiah. Much like Cyrus, Trump rules the greatest nation of the era and Cyrus, like Trump, was powerful and rich, but secular.”

Read more about Trumps’s embassy announcement and the other four fulfilled prophecies.

About the Author

Eliana_RudeeEliana Rudee is a reporter for Breaking Israel News and a freelance writer based in Jerusalem. Eliana studied politics, International Relations, and Jewish Studies and has since focused her interests on topics related to global Jewish life, American Jewry, counter-terrorism Israeli entrepreneurship and innovation, Israeli culture, and minority rights in Israel. Among many other news outlets and blogs, her bylines have been featured in Forbes, USA Today, New York Daily News, the Culture Trip, and The Hill.


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