The Writings of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon

Isaiah Passages in the Book of Mormon

The Writings of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon found on brass plates of Laban

To get started with Isaiah first read all 66 chapter headings, no more no less. Note which ones interest you most, but don’t give in to reading them until you have read all 66 headings first. Then and only then go back and read an interesting chapter, then read it again. Next, if its in the Book of Mormon read it a third time, then read an alternate translation. Then study it in more detail as you go back to check the footnotes. Repetition is key to understanding Isaiah—Victor Ludlow

Of all the prophetic writings available on the Brass Plates of Laban, Isaiah is the major resource used throughout the Book of Mormon. About one-third of Isaiah’s sixty-six chapters are found in the Book of Mormon.

Two large blocks of Isaiah chapters (2-14 and 48-54) are scattered among four books (1 Nephi, 2 Nephi, Mosiah, and 3 Nephi). In addition, Isaiah 29 is quoted in 2 Nephi.

The following chart shows where these twenty-one Isaiah chapters are found in the Book of Mormon:

Isaiah 2-14
Isaiah 29
Isaiah 48-49
Isaiah 50-51
Isaiah 52
Isaiah 53
Isaiah 54
in 2 Nephi 12-24
in 2 Nephi 27
in 1 Nephi 20-21
in 2 Nephi 7-8
in 3 Nephi 20
in Mosiah 14
in 3 Nephi 22
for 13 chapters
for 1 chapter
for 2 chapters
for 2 chapters
for 1 chapter
for 1 chapter
for 1 chapter

additional Isaiah verses, mostly from the same chapters cited in the chart above (see asterisk below), are scattered throughout the Book of Mormon:

Other Isaiah passages quoted in the Book of Mormon.

Isaiah passages paraphrased in the Book of Mormon.

Isa 11:5-9 in 2 Ne 30:11-15
Isa 11:4 in 2 Ne 30:9
Isa 49:23 in 2 Ne 6:7
Isa 52:8-10 in Mosiah 15:29-31; 3 Ne 16:18-20
Isa 55:1-2 in 2 Ne 9:50-51
Isa 49:24-26 in 2 Ne 6:16-18
Isa 52:1-2 in 2 Ne 8:24-25
Isa 52:7-10 in Mosiah 12:21-24
Isa 5:26 in 2 Ne 29:2
Isa 22:13 in 2 Ne 28:7-8
Isa 28:10,13 in 2 Ne 28:30
Isa 29:5 in 2 Ne 26:18
Isa 29:15a in 2 Ne 28:9b
Isa 40:3 in 1 Ne 10:8
Isa 49:22 in 1 Ne 22:8; 2 Ne 6:6
Isa 52:1a in Moroni 10:31a
Isa 52:7 in 1 Ne 13:37; Mosiah 15:14-18
Isa 11:11a in 2 Ne 25:17a; 29:1b; cf 25:11
Isa 25:12 in 2 Ne 26:15
Isa 29:3-4 in 2 Ne 26:15-16
Isa 29:14a in 1 Ne 14:7a; 22:8a; 2 Ne 25:17b; 29:1a
Isa 29:21b in 2 Ne 28:16a
Isa 45:18 in 1 Ne 17:36
Isa 49:23a in 1 Ne 22:8b; 2 Ne 10:9a
Isa 52:10 in 1 Ne 22:10-11
Isa 52:13-15 in 3 Ne 21:8-10
Isa 54:2b in Moroni 10:31a
Isa 52:12 in 3 Ne 21:29
Isa 53:8,10 in Mosiah 15:10-11
Isa 55:1 in 2 Ne 26:25

About one-third of the verses have major differences when compared to the King James Version of the Bible—that is, wording changes or additions which significantly change or enlarge the meaning of the verse. Another one-third of the Isaiah verses in the Book of Mormon have minor wording or punctuation changes which do not alter the verse’s meaning, and one-third are exactly the same as the corresponding Biblical passages.

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Dr. Victor L. Ludlow is a scholar of Isaiah and Judaism. He graduated with high honors from BYU and was a Danforth Fellow at Harvard and Brandeis Universities, where he received a Ph.D. in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies. Professor Ludlow's scholarship explores the areas of Bible studies, the Middle East, Jewish history and theology, and comparative Latter-day Saint theology. He has authored numerous articles and the books: Unlocking the Old Testament; Isaiah: Prophet, Seer, and Poet; Principles and Practices of the Restored Gospel; and Unlocking Isaiah in the Book of Mormon. His most recent audio lecture is “Latter-day Insights: The Middle East.” Courses Taught: Writings of Isaiah, Judaism and the Gospel, Book of Mormon, Old Testament Areas of Expertise: Professor Ludlow's scholarship explores the areas of Bible studies, the Middle East, Jewish history and theology, and comparative Latter-day Saint theology, with a special emphasis upon covenants. Areas of Research: Isaiah, Covenants, Judaism, History of the House of Israel, Agency, Gospel Principles Languages: German (fluent), Hebrew (reading), some Arabic, French, and Latin


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