Is Stylometry the Ultimate Proof that Joseph Smith Did Not Write the Book of Mormon?video

Is Stylometry the Ultimate Proof that Joseph Smith Did Not Write the Book of...

At a Book of Mormon conference in Provo last Saturday, Matt Roper and Paul Fields set out to do just that. They intrigued the audience with a new study of Book of Mormon authorship using stylometry showing...
The Savior’s Birth, Life, and Death All Foretold Through Isaiah’s Wordsvideo

The Savior’s Birth, Life, and Death All Foretold Through Isaiah’s Words Isaiah in the...

Using the words of Isaiah during Advent to prepare for Christmas makes sense. Among the authors of the four Gospels, Isaiah is cited twice as often as any other Old Testament prophet, which makes...
The Top 20 Books On Isaiah - Isaiah Labs on for July 2018

Top 20 Books on Isaiah: LDS Authors-Paperback

The team at Isaiah Labs recently introduce our latest research project, Top 15 Books on Isaiah on Kindle. Now we introduce the Top 20 Books on Isaiah in Paperback (or Hardback, do people still...
Is the Sabbath a Delight?video

Why You Shouldn’t Have a List of Do’s and Dont’s for the Sabbath

In his April 2015 conference talk, “The Sabbath Is a Delight,” President Russell M. Nelson asks us to make some changes in our lives. Specifically, he asks us to think about our feelings and behavior...

Book of Mormon Evidence vs Book of Mormon Central

It was a year ago this week, I spent three days at two Book of Mormon conferences on the same weekend. The 21st International Book of Mormon Evidence Conference believes the Book of Mormon took...
8 Promises Revealed in The Book of Isaiah for True Fasting

Isaiah’s 8 Reasons to Fast

Isaiah 58:8 Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy rearward. Isaiah 58:9 Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and...

The Isaiah Diet

Recently I have been wondering about Isaiah's family diet; wondering what the Prophetess might prepare for Isaiah and their two sons at mealtimes. Hayes and Miller in A History of Ancient Israel and Judah explained that the diet...

John Bytheway—a Christmas Message from Isaiah

Hi, this is John Bytheway, and I have a little Christmas message for you today from the book of Isaiah. One of the things about the book of Isaiah is that most of us...