Gospel Doctrine Lesson 36: The Glory of Zion Will Be a Defense Supplement to the Old Testament Class Member Study Guide

It is lucky for us Latter-day Saints that every other year we get to study chapters from Isaiah in the Old Testament and in the Book of Mormon.

But taking on all 66 chapters may be a bit too much. Our team hopes that what we have done here will help to organize into your personal study plan to at least support your study of the  Gospel Doctrine Old Testament Lessons 36–40, which are the Isaiah chapters we will study this year.

For most of us, that study will begin in mid-September. To get you ready to be a rock star class member below is a five-week calendar; using this plan during the weeks that your ward is reading Isaiah in Sunday School should help your understanding of this great prophet’s message, which is actually another witness of Christ.

 Lesson 36: The Glory of Zion Will Be a Defense
Old Testament Class Member Study Guide

Isaiah Chapter 1

Isaiah Chapter 1

The wicked and rebellious shall be punished for their iniquities, for social injustice, and neglect of true temple worship, but Israel may be cleansed through the Atonement.

San Diego lDS temple

Isaiah Chapter 2 / 2 Nephi 12

The Lord’s house will be built in the top of the mountains in the last days. There all nations will receive instruction and be judged by the Lord. During the millennium there will be no war, but the day coming where God will humble all the proud and mighty. Israel is commanded to stop relying on man and to rely on God.

6 Day War Tanks Isaiah Chapter 3 / 2 Nephi13
Judah will fall. Men of skill and leadership will be taken away, leaving the inexperienced to rule. Israel provoked God and oppressed each other. The daughters of Zion (in a metaphor for the people of Judah and all covenant Israel) are obsessed with fashion and appearance to attract other lovers (not their God), but they will be humbled as slaves, their men will die in war.
Lord's vineyard, which "is the only parable found in Isaiah's writings."1 Personally, I've spent plenty of time with the parables of the olive garden
Tree Pruned - the oak and the teil-tree, can have all their leaves eaten off, can even be chopped down, but will regenerate because the sap or substance is still within to help them regrow

Isaiah prophesied much about the Savior’s earthly mission, about Israel’s destruction due to wickedness, and about the destiny (mission) of Israel in the last days.

  • Isaiah’s warnings and prophecies were not just to ancient Israel, but to our time too. As you read Isaiah 1–5, note what conditions in the past seem evident in the world today?
  • There are three holy places mentioned in Isaiah 4:5–6; what are they and how do they offer safety from evil?

Additional reading: 2 Nephi 11.

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  1. David Grant Stewart, Sr.

    Never heard of anyone who has a clue as to what is meant by “the king of Assyria.”

    • Recently I took an adult Institute course on Isaiah. The instructor said that whenever apply Isaiah use of kings to these days, think of Assyria and fierce power and Babylon as economic power

    • Several authors have suggested that each king and or country symbolizes something more than what was written. Babylon, for example, is a symbol of economic power rich in culture and decadence, it is a scriptural symbol for the peoples and governments that oppose the kingdom of God. Assyria was a symbol of brutal power and force, without conscience and regret. Egypt is a symbol of spiritual bondage, or an escape to refuge, depending on the context. Moab was a symbol for the wicked world, and none of her powerful cities nor her lucrative trade routes nor her prominence among her sister nations would be able to stand in that day, but all would be destroyed. The Medes represented a higher power, not interested in wealth, that would destroy the proud and wicked, and their confederates


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