Gospel Doctrine Lesson 37: Thou Hast Done Wonderful Things Supplement to the Old Testament Class Member Study Guide

For Lesson 37: ‘Thou Hast Done Wonderful Things,’ we will help each other come unto Christ by recognizing some of the wonderful things he has done.

To prepare for class prayerfully study the following scriptures:

Isaiah 22:22. The Savior opens the door to Heavenly Father’s presence. (Click here for a complete treatment of Isaiah 22) “The key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder. The key, which represents authority and power (Matt. 16:19; Rev. 3:7), opens the door to the heavenly temple. he shall open, and none shall shut/he shall shut, and none shall open. Only Christ has the power to open and close the door of the heavenly temple. The words in this phrase are repeated in Revelation 3:7.1
Isaiah 24:21–22. The Savior shows mercy for those in spirit prison. The “high ones” and the “kings of the earth” have been identified by President Joseph Fielding Smith as some of those who live in the latter days but do not keep the law, and who will therefore be shut up in the spirit prison (see DS, 2:155). Elder Theodore M. Burton also  …noting that it is not a reference to political prisoners on-the earth (see CR, Oct. 1964)2
Isaiah 25:1–432:1–2. The Savior is a strength and a refuge. One of the major messages in [Isaiah 25] is that it is worth being righteous. Those who are worthy to be with the Savior will receive the very best of blessings and enjoy the results of their righteous efforts. … the righteous praise and acknowledge the Lord for His power over the wicked. This is an important doctrine since some people are of the opinion that the forces of evil, with Satan at the helm, have a chance to ultimately triumph over the Savior. They don’t.
[In chapter 32] Isaiah prophesies that the day will come when Jesus Christ will rule and reign, but in the meantime until the restoration of the gospel and the gathering of Israel, the land of Israel will be a wilderness.3
Isaiah 25:6–9. The Savior will prepare a feast and destroy the “vail.” The “feast of fat things” is the gospel feast, when the righteous will partake of more of the mysteries of godliness. This is the great supper of the Lord in Mount Zion, the New Jerusalem (compare D&C 58:8–12). All are invited, but only those who are clean and properly dressed will be allowed to stay and sup (JST Matthew 22:14).
Isaiah 25:8. The Savior wipes away our tears. Tears come from the pain and sorrow associated with mortality, affliction, pain, death, and personal sin. When he dwells with us after his coming, Jesus Christ, who is well acquainted with grief (53:3), will remove the pains of our mortality (Rev. 7:17; 21:4; D&C 101:29).
Isaiah 26:19. The Savior will bring the Resurrection. Elder B. H. Roberts, in correspondence with a Jewish rabbi, used this verse as evidence of the Messiah’s being Jesus Christ, noting that his resurrection was foretold in the Old Testament (see Rasha the Jew, pp. 48-49).
Isaiah 28:16. The Savior is our sure foundation. This is a prophecy of Jesus Christ, in which he is called a stone, a tried stone (or a stone tested for strength), and a precious cornerstone. A cornerstone adds permanence and strength to the foundation of a building. Here the building is the latter-day Zion, and “he that believeth” may have a “sure foundation” on which to build (1 Pet. 2:6–8).
Peter’s quotation of Isaiah here reads, “He that believeth on him shall not be confounded” (1 Pet. 2:6), and Paul’s quotation reads, “shall not be ashamed” (Rom. 9:33; 10:11). The meaning of this phrase, then, is: “Whosoever believes on him [Christ, the stone] shall not be [confounded or] ashamed.” 
Isaiah 29:4, 9–14, 18, 24. The Savior will restore the gospel to the earth. Isaiah 29 and 2 Nephi 27; the Marvelous Work and a WonderIsaiah 29 (2 Nephi 25, 26, 27) a Marvelous Work and a Wonder
Isaiah 30:19–21. The Savior knows our trials and directs our paths. These verses are the message of hope which Isaiah holds out for the time when Jerusalem shall become a Zion society, when the Lord will hear Israel’s prayers and answer them. The Jewish Publication Society Translation capitalizes and singularizes the word “Teacher” in verse 20, showing that they consider the verse to be a messianic prophecy of the time following their affliction among the nations, when they shall see the Messiah among them. But verse 21 shows that the Holy Ghost will also be their guide.
Elder Thomas S. Monson cited this verse as a reference to the “still, small voice which testifies of truth” (CR, Apr. 1975, p. 23). Elder Marion D. Hanks said this verse provided an example of the right voice to follow among the world’s many existing voices (see CR, Oct. 1965, p. 120) 
  • Isaiah told of people drawing near to the Lord with their mouths while their hearts are far from Him (Isaiah 29:13). How can we make sure that we are close to the Lord in our thoughts and actions as well as in our words?


1 Parry, Donald W., Understanding Isaiah, Deseret Book Company
Nyman, Monte S., Great are the Words of Isaiah, Deseret Book Company

3  Ridges, David J., The Old Testament Made Easier Part 3, Cedar Fort, Inc., Kindle Edition
Ogden, D. Kelly. Verse by Verse, Old Testament: Volume Two, Deseret Book Company. Kindle Edition
5 Parry, ibid.
Nyman, ibid
7 Parry, ibid.
Nyman, ibid

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