Isaiah 1–12— Come, Follow Me With Search Isaiah

The Prophet Isaiah Foretells Christ’s Birth, by Harry Anderson

“God Is My Salvation” / September 5–11

The Come, Follow Me Study Guide for September 5–11, 2022 suggests that we “seek spiritual guidance as [we] study. [And that] the words of Isaiah are best understood when we are ‘filled with the spirit of prophecy,’ as Nephi taught (2 Nephi 25:4).

Then the Guide points out that, “even if this is your first time reading the book of Isaiah, you might find passages that sound familiar… because, of all Old Testament prophets, Isaiah is the one most often quoted in other books of scripture.

And even the Savior Himself quoted Isaiah in the New Testament and called Isaiah’s word great in the Book of Mormon.

Recognizing the importance of Isaiah to the Savior, the team at has been collecting and curating study aids for more than 4 years. There are many posts here to assist your study of Isaiah 1–12. However, we have only curated materials that connect with this year’s curriculum. To access this collection just click on the Isaiah links in the table (2 Nephi links will take you to the Isaiah Chapters in the Book of Mormon).

Prophets and Prophecy
Reading Poetry in the Old Testament

Isaiah 1–12 Study Aids

(Note: the next two weeks of study will focus on Chapters 1-39 in the Book of Isaiah, where the prophet warns of the consequences of breaking the covenant with God that his people have made, His punishments for this disobedience, which is interspersed with moments of hope. But once our study takes us to Chapters 40-66, we will see God’s mercy as He reestablishes His covenants with us as His people, when as a seer of events to come, Isaiah introduces the last half of his work with these words:

“‘Comfort ye, comfort ye my people,’ saith your God.—Isaiah 40:1)

Isaiah 1This is Isaiah’s introduction to his collection of prophecies. The wicked and rebellious shall be punished for their iniquities, social injustice, and neglect of true temple worship, but Israel may be cleansed through the Atonement.
Isaiah 2 / 2 Nephi 12In the last days, the Lord’s house will be built in the mountains; there all nations will receive instruction and be judged by the Lord. During the millennium there will be no war, but God will humble all the proud and mighty. Israel is commanded to rely on God, not man.
Isaiah 3 / 2 Nephi 13Judah will fall. Men of skill and leadership will be taken away, leaving the inexperienced to rule. Israel provoked God and oppressed each other. The daughters of Zion (in a metaphor for the people of Judah and all covenant Israel) are obsessed with fashion and appearance to attract other lovers (not God), but they will be humbled as slaves, their men will die in war.
Isaiah 4 / 2 Nephi 14During the Millennium, Zion and her daughters will be made clean; there will be hope and holiness
Isaiah 5 / 2 Nephi 15The parable of the Lord’s vineyard that will become desolate and His people scatter, but the Lord will lif and ensign to gather Isreal home.
Isaiah 6 / 2 Nephi 16Isaiah’s vision of God. His sins are forgiven, and he is called to his ministry. He prophecies of the Jew’s rejection of Christ’s teachings and of their return to the promised land,
Isaiah 7 / 2 Nephi 17The Kingdoms of Assyris, Isreal (Ephraim), and Syria will wage war against Judah—King Ahaz is given a sign: Christ will be born of a virgin
Isaiah 8 /2 Nephi 18 Isaiah promises that Christ will be as a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense to many. That we must stop seeking peeping wizards and seek the Lord. We must turn to the law in the scriptures.
Isaiah 9 / 2 Nephi 19Isaiah Isaiah Prophesies the Birth of Christ: “Unto us, a child is born,” he will be the Prince of Peace, reign on David’s throne, and all those in darkness will see a great light.
Isaiah 10 / 2 Nephi 20The prophet calls out Judah for neglecting the poor. Assyria’s destruction is a ‘type” of the destruction awaiting the wicked at His Second Coming. Very few people will be left then, but the remnant of Jacob will return to Isreal
Isaiah 11 / 2 Nephi 21In Millennial times the stem of Jesse (Christ) will judge righteously, all enmity and hostility will cease and knowledge of God will cover the earth. The Lord will raise an ensign to gather Isreal.
Isaiah 12 / 2 Nephi 22During the Millennium, the Lord will dwell with us on earth and all humankind will praise Him with a song of praise and gratitude.

Since the published Old Testament Reading Schedule doesn’t include every chapter in the Book of Isaiah our team has not curated all resources from our site. But we have made this workable directory for your five-week study of this important book in the Old Testament in a total of seven curated posts:

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Darryl Alder is a retired professional, with an adopted family of four, and a lovely wife of 40+years. He has blogged for a variety of sites and loves to bake, garden, camp, and study ancient scripture, all of which is reflected in his posts at,, and various Scouting blog sites


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