Thoughts to Keep in Mind—Reading Poetry in the Old Testament from “Come, Follow Me” With


In the 2022 “Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Old Testament” study plan, we are pleased to offer you this curated directory of to assist you in your personal and family study of the Book of Isaiah.

Since the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Old Testament Reading Schedule does not include all chapters in the Book of Isaiah we have not included all of our resources, which should make this directory more manageable for your five-week study of Isaiah. But before we begin that study, let’s turn back to the first week of August.

Thoughts to Keep in Mind—Reading Poetry in the Old Testament

The Church’s website, suggests, “Beginning with Job, we find a different writing style, as Old Testament writers turned to poetic language to express deep feelings or monumental prophecies in a memorable way… The books of Job, Psalms and Proverbs are almost entirely poetry, as are parts of the writings of prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Amos. Because reading poetry is different from reading a story, understanding it often requires a different approach.”

Then they list some thoughts that may “make your reading of Old Testament poetry more meaningful.”

Since the published Old Testament Reading Schedule doesn’t include every chapter in the Book of Isaiah our team has not curated all resources from our site. But we have made this workable directory for your five-week study of this important book in the Old Testament in a total of seven curated posts:

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Search Isaiah is a resource for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to dive into the book of Isaiah. By sharing a vast range of resources including study guides, articles, podcasts, and more, we hope to provide readers with ways to search the book of Isaiah.


  1. Hebrew poetry in Isaiah used to be a real problem for me as a reader, then I spent some time with Ann Madsen, a retired BYU professor, who pulled just a few verses from Isaiah 1 to illustrate parallelism:
    1:3. The ox knoweth his owner,
    and the ass his master’s crib:
    but Israel doth not know,
    my people doth not consider.
    1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord:
    though your sins be as scarlet,
    they shall be as white as snow;
    though they be red like crimson,
    they shall be as wool.


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