Plow-shares and Pruning Hooks

Let Us Beat Swords into Plowshares - sculpture by E.Vuchetich

“What in the world does – they shall beat their swords into plow-shares, and their spears into pruning hooks- mean?” Robin asked, squinting her eyes at page 81 in the Book of Mormon.

I looked at the page, then nervously glanced at my companion as she said, “Uhhmm…well pruning-hooks are, um, like…” An awkward pause penetrated the air.

We’ve all been there before. Regardless of if you are like Robin, newly investigating the Church or if you’ve been a member your whole life, we often squirm when we get to 2 Nephi 12 in our Book of Mormon reading. We squirm because we know for the next several pages, Nephi is quoting Isaiah, the poet-prophet.

Thankfully, there are tools we can use to not only understand Isaiah but truly embrace his teachings. That sticky summer afternoon I spent as a missionary in southern California did not end in bewilderment. We told Robin we didn’t know what the verse meant, then showed her some of the Church’s explanations on the Isaiah chapters listed in the Gospel Library app. We opened the app, clicked on “Lessons” then “Institute.” There we found hundreds of quotes from modern-day prophets and other scriptures that can help us apply the words of Isaiah to our lives in 2018. As Robin read a quote by Elder Oaks expounding the verse, the Spirit led her to say, “Oh, that makes sense now!”

Jesus Christ spoke to the Nephites about Isaiah’s teachings saying, “a commandment I give unto you that ye search these things diligently.” (3 Ne 23:1) That same command applies to us today. Because Christ wants us to experience the joy that comes from living His commandments, He provides tools, such as the Institute lessons to help immerse us in scripture. Additionally, the Church provides other resources in its magazines and websites to increase our comprehension.

However, the most important thing we need to understand Isaiah is not a manual. It is a willingness to seek the Spirit and patience with the process of revelation. Just because a verse doesn’t make sense to us immediately, does not mean we should pretend it doesn’t exist and skip to the verses ahead (it’s okay, I’ve done that too). If there is anything I have learned from life and from my service as a full-time missionary, it is that Heavenly Father will always provide a way for us to keep ALL of His commandments. He is never going to say, “Ha ha! You have to decipher Isaiah by yourself!” As we ask for His guidance, as well as use the resources given to us, we will become the scholars of Isaiah that the Savior asked us to be.

So, go, open your gospel library app and start reading somewhere in Isaiah or 2nd Nephi. Use the study helps! Keep a prayer in your heart. Isaiah will become your favorite prophet before you know it.

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