What Can I Use To Study Isaiah?

A modern desk full of books and guides used to study the words Isaiah.

Ann Madsen and Shon Hopkin answer this question in their Opening Isaiah—a Harmony:

Reading List for Studying Isaiah

There are thousands of books and articles exploring the writings of Isaiah. This list is simply intended to provide a starting point for further reading for those who are interested. Many excellent resources by Latter-day Saints and others are not included here.

Commentaries on Isaiah by Latter-day Saint Authors:

Parry, Donald W., Tina M. Peterson, and Jay A. Parry. Understanding Isaiah. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1998.
This is one of the most up-to-date and complete commentaries on the writings of Isaiah from a Latter-day Saint perspective. It is our most highly recommended LDS commentary.


Ludlow, Victor L. Isaiah: Prophet, Seer, and Poet. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1982.
This is another excellent LDS commentary on Isaiah, but it does not benefit from the most recent scholarship on Isaiah, and some of its views may be out of date.


Studies on Isaiah in the Book of Mormon:

Spencer, Joseph. An Other Testament: On Typology. Salem, OR: Salt Press, 2012. Although this book covers a variety of Book of Mormon topics, its primary analysis is about how Nephi, Abinadi, and Jesus use the words of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon.



Ludlow, Victor L. Unlocking Isaiah in the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2003. Unlike the book below, which is an edited volume by a variety of scholars, this book is written entirely by Victor Ludlow. It individually approaches each section of Isaiah found in the Book of Mormon.


Parry, Donald W., and John W. Welch, eds. Isaiah in the Book of Mormon. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies (FARMS), 1998. This book has a variety of contributors, each addressing different areas of the Book of Mormon that contain the writings of Isaiah.

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Shon D. Hopkin is an assistant professor of ancient scripture at BYU. Shon Hopkin received a PhD in Hebrew studies from the University of Texas at Austin with an emphasis on medieval literature. His course work focused on Hebrew, Arabic, and Spanish literature from medieval Spain. Shon has published and presented papers on the Jewish concept of a premortal life and the Jewish longing for Zion, the Dead Sea Scrolls and Psalm 22, ordinance and ritual in the law of Moses and in the book of Isaiah, and the connections between Jewish and LDS beliefs and viewpoints. He is currently engaged in research on attitudes toward women in the law of Moses, on discovering Christ in the book of Leviticus, on Psalm 22, and on the multiple voices of the Book of Mormon. Shon also has a strong interest in interfaith outreach, understanding, and cooperation and served as president of the University of Texas Interfaith Council while at UT. His interfaith experiences include an interfaith trip to Turkey and a summer-long visit to Damascus, Syria. Before coming to BYU, Shon worked for fourteen years as a seminary and institute instructor. He lives in Orem with his wife, Jennifer, and four children.


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