“Me Too” Never!


When I was 16, I worked summers in New York City until I graduated from college.  Then, I moved to the City and my dream job.  My field of work was primarily with males.  I dressed professionally, was hit on by the men on the street to those in the boardroom, and everyone in between. 

You would be surprised how much a simple “no thanks” at work accomplishes.  I must admit I was never offended if someone told me they liked a new outfit or a different hairstyle.  It made me feel good about myself;  I was working at the start of the feminist movement. 

Isaiah had this comment regarding women.  In Isaiah Chapter 3, verse 12, Isaiah says:

“As for my people, children are my oppressors, and women rule over them.” 

That aligns itself with the breakdown of the traditional family, and the loss, both literally and figuratively, of the male head of household.  He also chastised the women in the same Chapter verses 16 and 17 by writing

“the Lord  saith because the daughters of Zion are haughty (full of pride) and walk with stretched forth necks (prideful) and wanton eyes (lustful) walking and mincing as they go (flirtatiously to attract the lust of men), and making a tinkling with their feet.”

This was done to attract the attention of their wealthy status. The Lord said he will punish those who do not repent.  We just had a perfect example of the above by viewing some of the clothing and jewels worn by the women at the recent Oscar Awards Show and we are surely aware of the lack of modesty shown by so many of today’s women.  If this is not the Lord’s choice for women, it is certainly that of the adversary.

Because of the power many women have, and the growing lack of respect for males that women and children seem to have, men have let this feminine harassment keep progressing.  The latest feminine insurrection started within the Hollywood, CA ranks, but women have surged forth all over the world to accuse mostly famous men with money of sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and even rape.  It is called the ME TOO movement. 

Many men have lost their jobs, money and families over these accusations.  We, the people, have absolutely no idea as to who is telling the truth.  Men’s lives have been changed without due process…their right to face their accuser in court.  The denial of due process and justice under the law is oppression and unjust.

Isaiah wrote the following about the law and justice. In Chapter 59 verse 4,

“None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth:  they trust in vanity, and speak lies: they conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity (the work of Satan). 

In verse 9 Isaiah goes on to say

“therefore is judgment far from us , neither does justice overtake us:  we wait for “light” but behold obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness. 

In verses 14 and 15 he wrote that

judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off:  for truth is fallen in the street and equity  (honesty) cannot enter.  Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the Lord saw it and it displeased him that there was no judgment.                    

I put off submitting this article as I was waiting to see if the Lord’s side would finally fight back.  To do this, men needed to regain their God-given power.  Finally, a small amount of chatter started about the “male backlash.”  Some men are refusing to meet with women on a one to one basis.  This makes a lot of sense. 

These people saying “me to” have, I believe, hurt all women.  We are all men and women who need to work together.  Men don’t trust women now, or know what they can or cannot say.   The smart God-fearing men must trust in the Lord to be the leaders they were created to be.  May I once again reference Vice President Pence, for saying he never goes anywhere socially without his wife.  Laughingly, he says he then knows he is always with the prettiest woman in the room.  He is not going to be anyone’s prey.

The Lord made men to be leaders of their families and their communities.  They were not to be controlling but set an example that they are followers of the Lord. They should be of a good moral character and have integrity.  Now, if all men lived as the Lord requested, what a great world this would be.  There is always time to repent and start again.

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